Long Distances Explore Complexities Of Human Relationships On ‘Delicate Surrender’

Long Distances Explore Complexities Of Human Relationships On ‘Delicate Surrender’

7 September 2023

The indie-rock trio of Aarifah Rebello, Apurv Agrawal, and Zubin Pastakia, Long Distances has just released ‘Delicate Surrender’, the third track from their upcoming EP, ‘How the Mighty Will Fall’.

With a distinct bouncy bass line and a driving backbeat, ‘Delicate Surrender’ lays a sturdy foundation for chorus-soaked guitar motifs, juicy synths and Rebello's contemplative vocals – inviting the audience to delve into its introspective themes.

At its core, ‘Delicate Surrender’ is a song that explores the inevitability of change and the ceaseless cycle of life's promises and disappointments. Long Distances lyrically delves into the complexities of human relationships, whether it's evolving dynamics with others or the ever-changing versions of oneself.

As the EP title, ‘How the Mighty Will Fall’ suggests, Long Distances seems to be exploring the fragility of human existence and the vulnerability we all share in the face of life's unpredictable twists and turns.

Listen to Delicate Surrender below. Head to Long Distances's artist profile for more information.

Picture by Chinmay Patkar

Words by Urmimala Mukherjee


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