The Earflower Experiment

The Earflower Experiment
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The Earflower Experiment is a multi-instrumentalist project spear-headed by Astaaq Ahmed. Rooted in the immediacy and presence of live music, he creates projects that explore the boundaries between acoustic instrumentation and modern production. Whether performing with a live band or looping instruments, Astaaq sews together a sonic space-time migration across the globe. Traditional and indigenous sounds meet new forms of electronic music, soulful vocals, melodic instrumentation and mellow beats.
Interested in the invisible connections that exist around us, his music explores the relationships between seemingly disparate elements: silence and form, ancient and future, acoustic and electronic all blend into a cohesive sonic voice. While each performance, project or set may vary, expect a through-line of mellifluous melodies, head nodding beats and impactful musicality.



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