New Music: ‘LTALAM’ EP By S I S T E R

21 June 2016

“This is the revenge of all the empty passages and the clogged streams.”

Ladakhi producer Ruhail Kaizer (also the guitarist at metal outfit BONEFVCKER) is dabbling in the murkier side of avant-garde, experimental electronic music as S I S T E R.

Kaizer has an extensive catalogue of singles on his SoundCloud, and has recently added an EP to the list with ‘LTALAM’, a minimal 4 track release that sees hellish, wailing samples distorted into indecipherable fuzz to make for some foreboding, disjointed – yet powefully visual - scraps of music.

You can listen to the whole thing below and follow S I S T E R on SoundCloud for more music.

Have a look at REProduce Artists’ Facebook page for performance updates; Kaizer has played before in the past for their Listening Rooms so it’s worth keeping an eye out.


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