Boxout Weekender Announces Dates For 2019 Edition

Boxout Weekender Announces Dates For 2019 Edition

1 February 2019

India's premiere online, community radio will complete two years in April 2019. Since their launch in April 2017, the independently run radio station has become a staple and a significant driving force for the underground music scene.

They now take this further with the second edition of Boxout Weekender, which will take place from April 5-7 in New Delhi. The three-day event will be held simultaneously at two venues: Auro Kitchen & Bar, and Summer House Cafe, and will be shedding the spotlight exclusively on Indian talent.

Part of the appeal of is their attention to curation, which has resulted in over 60 shows that are presented by individuals across the country and the globe, rather than relying on an algorithm. Their focus on showcasing quality, independent music has also been integral in nurturing a community passionate about non-mainstream music, new sounds and new voices.

At Boxout Weekender, the Indian artists who host a show on the platform will get top billing. But more impressively, the lineup won't feature anybody who was already included in the 2018 lineup – the intention is to demonstrate the staggering pool of talent in the country.

Tickets for the event are available here. For further information and updates, follow on Facebook, or head to their website.

Images: Zacharie Rabehi


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