Magnetic Fields 2015: Call For Applications

21 October 2015

Magnetic Fielders it’s time to get creative.

We’re offering a limited number of free tickets and tent pitches for imaginative minds who can think of innovative, fantastic and creative ways of engaging with the festival and your fellow Bedouins. We’re open to fantasy creatures, curiosity cabinets, time machines, enchanted camps, magicians, mad scientists, star gazers, space nests, interactive wandering shows or anything that loosely fits into our theme this year "as the Bedouins traverse the five elements: earth or prithvi; water or jal; fire or agni; air or vayu and then aether or akasha."

We’re very open to suggestions so let your minds start to wander….

Applications close Friday 13 November. To submit your entry simply email with the following information:

Name / Address / Contact Number
Details of your performance / event / happening / installation / idea / costume
How will you engage with your fellow Magnetic Fielders?
How many performers/facilitators and roles within crew
Attach any visual references

If this isn't up your street, you can still grab tickets for the festival over on our official Magnetic Fields website.

Image Credit: Meesha Holley


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