Jeevan Antony Prays For A Fate As Gentle As His Voice On 'ithinkiminlovebutiwontletme'

Jeevan Antony Prays For A Fate As Gentle As His Voice On 'ithinkiminlovebutiwontletme'

17 May 2022

Jeevan Antony just released a new single 'ithinkiminlovebutiwontletme', expanding the brief discography under his birth name with a soft indie ditty.

Over muffled driven drums, guitar hooks and chiming keyboards, the Bangalore-based artist gently sings of giving up on worrying and requests to make that easier for him. He plunges to vivid depths with lines like "Your father's eyes couldn't look past the colour of my skin // Your mother she tries, but leaves herself abandoned" briefly within the light-hearted number, which he also shared as a Soundcloud demo (which has now been removed) in 2019.

Listen to the single below and head to Jeevan Antony's Instagram for further updates.



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